Hoogstraten is the northernmost city in Belgium, also known as 'the middle hump of Belgium'. The surroundings of Hoogstraten are easily accessible thanks to an extensive network of bicycle junctions, the convenient location on the E19 and the Noorderkempen trainstation in Brecht.

Hoogstraten is very easily accessible by car and offers several free parking options, also for longer periods of time. From Belgium take exit 2 ‘Loenhout/Hoogstraten’ of the highway E19 Antwerp-Breda. From the Netherlands, follow exit 1 ‘Meer’ of the highway E19 Breda-Antwerp.
Hoogstraten is accessible via De Lijn (bus transport). When coming from Antwerp you can take line 600, from Turnhout you can choose line 430 to Hoogstraten. The nearest train station is Noorderkempen in Brecht. From there, take De Lijn (602) to Hoogstraten.